VicRoads Partnership
Speed determines the outcome of every crash on Victoria’s roads, and research shows small changes in speed can result in a significant reduction in road trauma. Speed includes travelling above the speed limit and travelling too fast for the road, weather and traffic conditions.
For our fragile bodies, even a small change in speed can mean the difference between life and death. This is especially true for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists, cyclists, and particularly children and older people.
Safer speeds:
- Reduces the impact forces in the event of a crash and therefore, the crash severity
- Allows road users more time to observe and react to assess hazards and avoid a crash
- Makes it less likely that a driver will lose control
We’re also thinking about safer speed in terms of that which delivers additional health and social benefits:
- Urban environments that support the development of active travel cultures
- Reduced road congestion
- Greater community liveability
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions, air and noise pollution
- Enhanced fuel economy
- Increased opportunities for social interaction and increased health and wellbeing
We know that local community action is pivotal in addressing road safety